Talk20 Presentation
at Boylin Cywinski Jackson
San Francisco, CA
PechaKucha (ペチャクチャ)
Presentation, 2010
T Jason Anderson
In 2004, my ride to a friends wedding in Ohio fell through. A young architect's budget and short notice provided one option: I needed to ride 600 miles to Upper Sandusky, Ohio. This was the first few miles of what amassed to over 25,000. With no specific plan, my wife, Tara, and I set out full of hope of seeing what America had to offer. It was a simple connecting of major cities, but we often found that the moments in between our destinations were the ones we enjoyed the most. This does not undermine our interest in architecture, but actually informs our approach to understanding buildings. The exterior of buildings are the focus of architectural photography, while few areas in between are celebrated. Our photos from this trip expose the paradox of photography; the act of stopping in order to take a picture interrupts the ride, negating the experience. As the paths are paramount to our story, we were determined to document this fleeting experience. We mounted a camera to the motorcycle which takes a photo every 10 seconds. It captures the reality of each moment identically, it cares not if the ride stops or starts.