South Park
San Francisco, California, USA
South Park Improvement Association
Masterplan and Renovation of Public Park
65,000 ft²
Fletcher Studio
South Park is the oldest public park in San Francisco. Originally intended to be an English picturesque strolling park, it fell into disrepair and was subject to ad-hoc improvements over the years. The South Park Improvement Association hired Fletcher Studio to work with the neighbors and community leaders to develop a master plan for the park. The revised plan provides a variety of different spaces, including a play area, a stage, a large open meadow, and plazas of varying scales. It alleviates two major issues including poor drainage and slopes that exceed ADA minimums. The new design is a contemporary interpretation of the classic picturesque park, providing many amenities along a thickened and programmatic pathway. Improvements include bulb-outs and chicanes for traffic calming, a play area, plazas, seat-walls, bio-infiltration swales, and a rainwater cistern for irrigation usage.
The South Park Improvement Association and Fletcher Studio reached out to the studioANOMALOUS team in order to help them produce innovative and interactive representations of the proposal in an effort to help the fundraising efforts. StudioANOMALOUS in tern produced an immersive virtual environment along with a downloadable playable maps for computers, android and iOS devices.